Tuesday, March 30, 2010

End of the financial year...

.....and not even the Inland Revenue have been in touch with the blog, but they're probably watching - assuming the delusionally paranoid in our society are correct. Can't beat a good conspiracy theory.
I hope Inland Revenue have reason to take an interest over the coming year, but timne alone will tell.
I'm off to the London Book Fair on 20th April to catch up with the nice people at Matador Publishing - if you are considering a book publication I would genuinely recommend them, but can't sing their praises too much unless they give me some discount.
More in a bit - I will be another year older in a few days, but a further step closer to my pension, And my funeral, I suppose, but one thing at a time eh?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rising interest rates....

No, nothing to do with the Chancellor's budget today - far more of interest to me was a contact from Hampshire Police for material for a review of the book, and similar interest from two other forces who will all being well produce reviews in the near-ish future. Apparently the National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO) will be doing a review in NARPO news soon. I was going to make a tasteless comment about needing a large print version, but then realised that all being well I will be joining NARPO relatively soon. Looks like that laugh was on me in the end.
Can't post for long now - the Jack Russell is whingeing about something and craves attention or violence, one or the other. More in a while....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A nice review!

I was sent a copy of 'Catalyst' which is Cheshire Police's in-house newspaper - there on about page 5 or 7 was a very nice review of my beloved book, described as 'a cracking read' - their words, not mine, and I guarantee no money or other items of value changed hands. So that was nice. I was also in conversation with a man in a hush-hush squad in the Met who claimed to be greatly enjoying the book and promises to do a review for the magazine for retired Met cops. Fingers crossed for that one too.
I'll be kind to anyone who may stumble on this site and want a copy - if you go to http://www.troubador.co.uk/ and find the book on their online bookshop, then enter the discount code POLB you get 25% off and a donation goes to the Police Benevolent Fund to boot, so that's nice.
Meanwhile at Ratcliffe Towers, the Jack Russell pup is suffering with wind. Well she's got wind and everyone else is suffering to be precise. Delightful creature she is though - get a nice Jack Russell and you probably have one of the finest dogs you can own. Get a bad one and, well, such is life. I suppose you then buy a labrador for it to use as a punchbag.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Welcome to March...

Still a stunning lack of passers-by, but then I do like solitude.
Sure I must be doing something wrong on this blog thing, but it beats talking to myself like normal. Still, what does it matter.
I was rather bizzarrely approached by the editor of the in-house newspaper of Cheshire Police the other day who asked to do an article on 'Prisoners Property and Prostitutes'. I had quite a long chat with him on the phone and he will be sending me a copy when it gets printed which is nice. Just hope it is favourable, but he assures me it is. He has read the book, so it will be either gratifying or horrifying to find what he has to say!
Meanwhile the weather continues to improve but the starter motor on my Laverda has only just returned from a check-over so a resumption of 2-wheeled activities will probably be delayed until next month to avoid paying even more by way of indirect taxation to the Government. No political opinions will be offered here, but political animals may wish to visit http://www.order-order.com/ for some entertainment.