Friday, October 29, 2010

Blink and you miss it...

September that is. And October in fact. Both passed by with relatively little problem.
Meanwhile I await various decisions which affect my future and consequently may affect the timing of any follow-up to 'Prisoners Property and Prostitutes' - more news as it becomes appropriate to release, if any actually arrives. Cryptic, but I'll post relevant stuff if and when relevant.
If anyone reading this is going to the National Amateur Showjumping Finals at Aintree at the end of November, I shall be there. The resident photographer there will be able to point me out and will have a selection of the book for sale - find me and I'll autograph it if you like!
November will also see the arrival of a second Jack Russell to make a total of four dogs in the household.
Mad? Probably. But mainly fun I imagine.
I have also begun another motorcycle restoration so when I am not working, writing or driving a horsebox, I shall be getting covered in oil and metal shavings. What a fun life.
Anyway, with December on the way don't forget  the value of a book as a present for Christmas - no prizes for guessing which book I think you should all give for this year's present!


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