Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A nice review!

I was sent a copy of 'Catalyst' which is Cheshire Police's in-house newspaper - there on about page 5 or 7 was a very nice review of my beloved book, described as 'a cracking read' - their words, not mine, and I guarantee no money or other items of value changed hands. So that was nice. I was also in conversation with a man in a hush-hush squad in the Met who claimed to be greatly enjoying the book and promises to do a review for the magazine for retired Met cops. Fingers crossed for that one too.
I'll be kind to anyone who may stumble on this site and want a copy - if you go to and find the book on their online bookshop, then enter the discount code POLB you get 25% off and a donation goes to the Police Benevolent Fund to boot, so that's nice.
Meanwhile at Ratcliffe Towers, the Jack Russell pup is suffering with wind. Well she's got wind and everyone else is suffering to be precise. Delightful creature she is though - get a nice Jack Russell and you probably have one of the finest dogs you can own. Get a bad one and, well, such is life. I suppose you then buy a labrador for it to use as a punchbag.


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