Thursday, February 25, 2010

February - mainly cold

Becoming even more impressed by the contemplative solitude of blogging - most therapeutic. Proves perhaps that most bloggers live in attic rooms and have no friends, or a couple of friends who all post on each others' sites.
Sales of 'PPP' are trickling on, going in an interesting series of fits and starts via Amazon, and whistling up and down their sales league like the proverbial 'whore's drawers'. Maybe that should be modernised to say 'sex worker's undergarments', but somehow it lacks the tittilating vibrancy of the original phrase.
Someone sent me an email today which said that modern senior managers in the Police are like 'a bunch of chimpanzees fighting over the levers in a bulldozer - none of then have a clue what they are doing, but they love the noises it makes'.
As a serving officer I couldn't disagree more, naturally. My faith in most of our bosses has remained consistent this last quarter-century or more.
So much for February, but plans afoot and fingers crossed for sales to flare up and generate more much-prized dosh in March.
If anyone wanders past, come back in a few weeks and I'll let you know how it goes.
And now, back to the attic Ratcliffe...


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