Monday, May 16, 2011

Back to the roots....a recap

I must apologise if this blog rambles around a bit, but I think part of a blog's purpose is to allow vent to some random thoughts, but having found that I have a number of visitors to it from all over the world, particularly the USA, perhaps it is time just to refresh the very reason for this thing's existence.
The blog is effectively a publicity vehicle for the book 'Prisoners, Property and Prostitutes' (and other things beginning with 'P') written by myself, Tom Ratcliffe.
Tom Ratcliffe is not my real name, I have to write under a pseudonym as I remain a serving Police Officer in a semi-rural force in England. The anonymity is not just to remove any proveable link between myself and my employers, but also because to tie the book to one particular force would be a sort of distortion - the experiences recounted, the people described and the thoughts raised are not peculiar to one English County, they exist everywhere, and have done since the dawn of time I guess. You could read this book as a Police Officer anywhere in the world and recognise so many of the situations, dilemmas and choices. As a member of the non-Police world you could also read this and get a good insight into the view I have tried to give of humanity. I have tried not to judge - that's too easy and too conceited. I have just tried to give an honest report of my observations, and leave you the reader to make your mind up as to what is right and what is wrong. The vehicle for this account is my own career and its development (or lack of it) depending what you think. I have been flattered and pleased to have so many favourable reports from Police and public alike, so to return to the original purpose of this blog, if you haven't read the book then please give it a try. I can't do money-back guarantees, but I can say with reasonable certainly in an uncertain world that I think you'll enjoy it. Kindle or paperback, give it a go please!
Probably back to the usual ramblings for the next post.......


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